Workshop and Photoshoot update from Meriel and Lindsey

An update on upcoming workshops / photoshoots.
June 19th  – Deddington Church: we will have access to the bell tower. If you wish to go up, the stairs are worn and circular, so please wear sensible shoes. The tower gives some aerial views of Deddington.
Meet at the church at the usual start time of 19.30. I will have access to the kitchen, so will bring the makings for tea and coffee and a couple bottles of wine.
July is the opportunity to have a ride on a canal boat from the mooring at Cropredy, to the a turning point and lock and back again. The whole trip should take about two hours.
As space is limited on the boat we have three dates, so hopefully this will provide enough availability for those who wish to come.
The dates are July 17th, 24th and 31st – all Wednesday evenings.
Please could you let me know you preferred date choice in order of preference so I can coordinate and ensure that no one is disappointed.
The plan would be to meet at the Cropredy marina wharf at 7pm, have our photo trip and return.
I will send out confirmation details, how to find the marina and the boats name nearer the time.
I am hoping to arrange a visit to the Redwings Horse Sanctuary in August. They are not open on a Wednesday, so it is likely to be a Saturday or Friday.
I am currently waiting on some more information
The four light room editing sessions with Jim will now be
18th September, 16th October, 20th November  and the Jan 15th 2020
The December workshop is the restoration of old photographs with Dianne Berridge 18th December 2019 – NOTE that the location is at the Adderbury Institute, and NOT Aynho.
The two photoshop editing sessions will be February 19th 2020 and March 18th 2020
Other sessions a bit further a field are in the pipeline so watch this space Linsdey and I are regularly putting our heads together to see what we an come up with.